How to PF Tek for Beginners

How to PF Tek for Beginners

Introduction: The PF Tek (Psilocybe Fanaticus Technique) is a popular method for growing mushrooms, especially suitable for beginners. It involves cultivating mushrooms in jars filled with a nutritious substrate. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to the PF Tek method.

Materials Needed:

  1. Vermiculite.
  2. Brown rice flour.
  3. Water.
  4. Mason jars with lids.
  5. Nail and hammer or drill (for making holes in lids).
  6. Pressure cooker or large pot for sterilization.
  7. Mushroom spore syringe.
  8. Alcohol wipes.
  9. Sterile gloves.
  10. Flame source (like a lighter).
  11. A still-air box or clean workspace.
  12. A fruiting chamber (like a large clear plastic box).


  1. Preparation of Substrate:
    • Mix 2 parts vermiculite, 1 part brown rice flour, and 1 part water to create the substrate.
    • The mixture should have a moist, crumbly texture without being too wet.
  2. Filling Jars:
    • Fill mason jars with the substrate mixture, leaving about half an inch of space at the top.
    • Wipe the rims clean and cover the substrate with a layer of dry vermiculite.
    • Close the jars with lids that have four small holes drilled in them for gas exchange.
  3. Sterilization:
    • Place the jars in a pressure cooker or a large pot with a few inches of water at the bottom.
    • Sterilize the jars at 15 psi for 60-90 minutes in a pressure cooker or for 90 minutes in a covered pot.
    • Allow the jars to cool completely before proceeding.
  4. Inoculation:
    • In a clean environment, wipe down the injection site (jar lid) with alcohol.
    • Flame sterilize the needle of the spore syringe.
    • Inject 1-2cc of spore solution into each jar, distributing it across different areas of the substrate.
  5. Incubation:
    • Store the inoculated jars in a warm, dark place (around 75°F).
    • Allow the mycelium to colonize the substrate, which can take several weeks. Check for white, web-like mycelial growth.
  6. Birthing and Fruiting:
    • Once fully colonized, remove the mycelium cakes from the jars.
    • Soak the cakes in water for 12-24 hours, then roll them in dry vermiculite.
    • Place the cakes in a fruiting chamber with high humidity and indirect light.
    • Mist and fan the chamber regularly to maintain humidity and provide fresh air.

Conclusion: The PF Tek is a reliable method for beginners to cultivate mushrooms. It requires patience and attention to cleanliness and environmental conditions. By following these steps, you can successfully grow mushrooms and enjoy the rewards of your efforts.